Saturday 30 March 2013

Smartphone Train!

So yeah, smartphones have taken over! I tried to resist but I've finally jumped on that gravy train!

Why I wasn't into them before:

1. I was always broke.
Well, not entirely true, but let's go with that. Really, spending over 5K on the latest smartphone just to be cool and be part of the IN crowd? That's silly! Especially when you know that in a few months, the latest version of that same phone you have would be released and it would be dubbed "SO MUCH BETTER!!". Seriously?!!? FOMO ain't worth that.

2. I hate being like everyone else.
It's like when someone walks up to you and says, "Nice dress! My friend has the exact same one!"...*crickets*...I guess I really am a girl after-all! Damn. I don't like sharing much, I'm all about exclusivity...even if it means being stuck in the dark ages (which I was...for a while). Very dark and unique place, I was the only one there. Awesome.

3. I ALWAYS had something better to spend my money on!
Like what??? Biking...duh! Bikes, riding gear... that stuff's expensive...and makes me happier than a phone ever could! I could buy a baby-scoot with the price tag on most of these smartphones... Yes, that's generally how I measure whether something is worth buying or not. Your currency is Rands, Euros, Dollars, mine is Bikes.

A change has come!

I was using a small phone with a local carrier logo on it to make and receive calls & texts, and an old Nokia (ancient) which ONLY served the purpose of going online...that is it! If I tried to make it do other fancy things, it would just lay there and die. For the passed couple of months I've been featuring on that song about "Getting A Better Phone"...I'm not so sure I was serious about getting one, though. I mean, my phones could make calls, receive calls, send texts and manage my emails...what more did I need? Well apparently I need instagram, BBM, 16-32GB on-board memory, 8MP camera, 4G, LTE, a phone that senses when I've fallen asleep then switches off its screen, did I mention the screen must be HD...nan'nani...

So, [with the push from Durban thieves who stole my belongings, cellphones included, while I was having a nice time at the beach in the wee hours of the morning after the MetroFM Awards] I went and got myself the Samsung Galaxy S3. Because even with the newly released iPhone5 and Blackberry Z10, it's still ranked the best smartphone around! I wanted to experience the hype myself. Also, I got the Blackberry Curve 9320, just to get the BB experience, and because it was on the Top 20 Smartphone list until a few weeks ago, had a reasonable price tag...and happened to be the only BB there. Must be something to it!

While we're on BB, I honestly love the idea behind BIS. It has been the source of affordable internet access for millions around the world!! Which is something that even our local cellular networks have robbed our people of with their ridiculous data rates, have you seen them??? For 100MB data bundle, Vodacom will charge you: R49.00, MTN will charge you R80.00, 8ta will charge you R40.00, and CellC will charge you R15.00, being the better of them all...but STILL! What happened to us being a 3rd world country and being treated as such??? They're killing us! We've recently seen MTN do away with BIS... I say that's BS.

Anyway, I am so sold on smartphones, phablets, tablets and all the cool apps one can download or even programme! I even have RADFAM-RAUCK supplying them now!

Oh and..... Yes, I know... The S4 is out *face palm* Allow me to be Ray Charles to that tu.

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