Tuesday 25 June 2013

Interracial wha...?

Walk around joburg's hip spots and you run into more mixed couples than Verwoerd would be happy to see...

I've always been pretty open minded when it comes to dating. Local, foreign, black, white, yellow, male, fem...a good person is a good person. We're all heart, bones, muscle and blood underneath, right? And that's all that matters.

Obviously not everyone sees this truth, whether it's because of some ancient book or just downright stupid childhood conditioning...sadly we have to live amongst these kinds of people as they walk around with their noses pulled up like their opinions make the world what it is. How lame...?

The world is not your mothers house!

Imagine walking into a supermarket in bloody Blairgowrie to wrinkled old white Koos frozen in a state of shock with his trolley rolling down the middle of isle 6 staring at you and your white girlfriend while his jaw hits the floor. Or, uMam'Nandi - the cashier who slides your items through the scanner while shaking her head as if she's thinking "Hm! Waze wabalahla abantu bakini namasiko akho ntombi!!" Bleh.

As challenging as it may be, people who dare to get into interracial relationships are the future, especially here in South Africa. They are seeds of a better generation. One thing love should never be steered by is colour. Ain't nothing dumber than that!

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